Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 14 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Shining for Him in Every Aspect of Life

    [00:00:00] David, Elizabeth, Grandkids: To shine for Him each day, And every way try to please Him, At home, at school, at play, At Sunday, at Sunday, Jesus wants me for a study, At home, at school, at play, At home, at school, at play, A sunbeam, a light beam, I will be a sunbeam…

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  • Reed 15 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Day of Outdoor Fun and Family Moments

    [00:00:00] Gil: Come on guys. You’ll see some action move around and Megan, and I don’t want you to, you don’t even get over the corner. Uh, he needs extra light to have a good picture in the house. Why doesn’t they go back and get on their bikes? Okay. That’s what, that’s what Ian and, uh,…

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  • Reed 16 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Casual Gathering of Tastes and Tales

    [00:00:00] Eric, Brian, Cameron, Deloa: I’d like to go eat this one. I think I’ll taste it. Then you taste it. Do you want me to taste it? I’ll taste it. I’ll taste it. Can you taste it? What kind of milk do you want? Oh, this? Do you want an apple? I can taste…

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