Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 11 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Celebrating Ben’s Birthday and Surprises

    [00:00:00] DeLoa: Turn right around here.  [00:00:02] Family: To you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ben. Happy birthday to you. And many more. Don’t know it yet. You have to do it. That’s enough. [00:00:31] Elizabeth: Okay, let’s um, open up your desk, Ben.  [00:00:35] Jody: Joe, you’re making a mess on the table,  [00:00:36] Elizabeth: Joe.  [00:00:38] Jody: Jared, don’t you do that, Ben.…

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  • Reed 12 – Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Moment of Song and Family Connection

    [00:00:00] Deloa: Joel, Joel. Joel, Joel. You’re the oldest boy. Come on, sing kids, here we go. I am a child of God, Joel, stop it. and He has sent me here Okay, look. This is on? Hang on, let me try that. Okay. Sing last and most kids can hear you. Okay? You I…

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  • Reed 13 Elizabeth Reed

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