Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 17 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Lively Day Outdoors

    [00:00:00] Gil: Get some action there. Fast action. Yes. Okay, let’s walk, let’s just kind of walk toward him or something, should we? Okay, come on Phil. Brian, Brian is watching poison. Uh huh. What does it look like up there? No! Come on, Duke. Come on, Duke. There’s Duke. Up, up, up, up, up,…

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  • Reed 18 A Bride and Groom

    Anyone know who these two are?

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  • Reed 19 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Casual Easter Egg Hunt

    [00:00:00] Brian: I got him. I think he hit him in the back. I’m gonna go ask. Side yard. Ryan. Huh? No, I’m looking for eggs. Why don’t you tell me something? What? Come here. I’m getting here. I’m looking for eggs before my brother gets here. You guys ready? One, two, three, four, five,…

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