Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 35 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Night of Mishaps and Humor

    [00:00:00] DeLoa: So nice looking night, she didn’t risk it, no cost. She had to wait on other people to go back and get her and everything. And we were off chasing her out. We didn’t know that they were, and I guess they thought we would. Anyway, it was awesome. Hi, Andrew. Joyless. We’re…

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  • Reed 36 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Humor and Banter at a Family Gathering

    [00:00:00] DeLoa: We have more money than Sam. Hey, hey, do somebody want me? They got acquainted right at me. Tell your jokes, Betty. For me, he’s such a joker, too. [00:00:21] Randy: Jim, do you know what cut off means? You’re about to get cut off. From all of the fine pleasures of life.…

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  • Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Meagan Sings

    In a warm and sincere exchange, David insists on turning off the TV, shifting focus to a more meaningful activity. Meagan then sings a song that expresses her willingness to give what she can in simplicity, emphasizing the importance of giving her heart. Their interaction radiates love and simplicity in everyday moments. [00:00:00] David: Nobody’s…

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