Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 33 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Bus Rides and Family BanterReed 33

    [00:00:00] Gil: Weird. I’ve been riding a bus the last couple days. This lady says, you know, she said, I sit up front because all the derelicts sit in the back. So I got up and left . The back of the bus [00:00:33] Elizabeth: lady said that too. Mm-Hmm. . [00:00:36] Gil: She says…

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  • Reed 32 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Playful Moments with the Hose

    [00:00:00] Todd: Come here. Mother, I must get my phone. Mom, look at that. Look at it! Look at it! Ha ha! Mom, get wet! Mom, get wet! Oh, no! You’re gonna get Grandpa’s camera! What a brat!

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  • Reed 34 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Fun Moments on the Water

    [00:00:00] Ocean Waves: Hi! Wave to Grandpa. He’ll tell you when to wave. Hey. Smile, David. [00:03:25] Gil: You’re on the camera. [00:03:27] Elizabeth: That’s the way. We’re [00:03:29] Ocean Waves: not moving. Just a wave. And, and, smile at Grandpa. The camera’s off. Oh! Better get out of the mat, Jared. Bye. Trying to…

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