Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Whimsical Family Gathering

  • DeLoa
  • Marjorie
  • Daryl
  • Marcy
  • Johnny
  • Tommy
  • Elizabeth
  • David
  • Dylan
  • Noah
  • Jim
  • Jerry
  • Jody
  • Bill
  • Joel
  • Andrew
  • Ben
  • Paul Stevenson
  • Gil
  • Van

[00:00:00] DeLoa: M A G I N. You look like a witch. See that? I got M A G I N. That was Marjorie. Marjorie? I don’t know. I thought Daryl was Marjorie. Over he goes. Over he goes. Marcy? That’s a paw, Johnny. Darryl? You can’t touch me. I don’t know. I’m gonna write a letter to Tommy. Don’t sing

[00:00:38] Elizabeth: trumpet now, Tony. Wait, do pigeons eat squirrel soy?

[00:00:47] DeLoa: It’s a little bright in front of you. It’s Tommy’s low life.

You must know if there’s any more pepper. What do you think that is right there? Wash me mouth out. So we run down some. Um,

[00:01:14] David: it’s pretty, you know, here it is. So pretty. I, yeah,

[00:01:17] DeLoa: it like that needed that I’ve been, I almost didn’t it today. Oh, I’m glad you did. I.

[00:01:31] David: Show them the other one.

[00:01:32] DeLoa: Show them the other one.

Thank you for coming. Are Dylan and Noah coming down as well? He is waiting to open his present.

[00:01:50] David: That’s sick. Cars run over

[00:01:52] DeLoa: it. Look at your thumb, Jim. Look No, I didn’t. He wants to open his. He didn’t open his for you today. But he didn’t? There was no hiding it back there. Dad! Dad! Hey, Jerry, do you have that drone in your booth? Don’t, don’t, don’t! Not at me! You’re a liar! You know you love being on that thing, don’t you?

You had some faces at yourself today, you and Joel. I can’t wait until Friday. Get down, Andrew. Not that way. What did you do, babe?

[00:02:43] David: Okay. Jody and Jim, can we record this?

[00:02:46] DeLoa: Oh, is it working

[00:02:48] David: here

[00:02:52] DeLoa: on my throat?

[00:02:54] David: Andrew, get off the table

[00:02:56] DeLoa: Andrew. Start over. Get down.

Oh, you smile at him and he’ll do it a lot faster,

[00:03:04] Elizabeth: Bill.

[00:03:06] DeLoa: He does it, you know. Oh, he loves it. Look at that. Yeah. Oh. Oh, now. Oh, boy. I know what this is. You do? He’s a rabbit. He’s a rabbit. He

[00:03:29] David: won’t let me do it.

[00:03:30] DeLoa: Here, come here and show me too. What does it do? See this thing right here? It, um, Oh, the Pendulart! Oh, that’s awesome.

What does it do now? Oh, Oh, neat. Look at the cross it makes on the side. That’s beautiful. Oh, it makes the sun. Oh, that is neat. That’s great. How fun. Oh, you sure know how to down a present. That’s great. I love that. This is you. Hi, David.

This is just what I really wanted. I’ve always wanted. The thing is that it was, you know.

[00:04:30] David: Okay, darling. Tell them the gift.

[00:04:35] DeLoa: Just what you need. Go on. Come sit by me. Oh dear. How come Jimmy can’t do it? I am. Because he doesn’t want

[00:04:44] David: the camera pointing at him. Joel. Come down here next to Mom.

[00:04:48] DeLoa: Did you turn it back in there? I did. Look at you. You’re a fat mug. How did we rate this? I don’t know. I can’t. Oh. I, I. It’s

[00:05:04] David: dripping. Well. How did you guys rate this?

[00:05:08] DeLoa: Yeah, that’s what I want to know. Why do we race? Mom, your other one?

[00:05:12] David: How come they’re

[00:05:12] DeLoa: getting in? Ha ha ha, did you hear that, babe? Did you hear

[00:05:17] David: that? What’d he say? Mom, your other one. Ha

[00:05:19] DeLoa: ha ha ha. Hee hee hee hee

[00:05:23] David: hee. Oh, sorry, Jodi.

[00:05:25] Elizabeth: That’s okay. He doesn’t come. He’ll get down the street with it on their shoulder.

All right, that one deserves dual credit. It is the one you carry, Ben. Oh, wow. Wait, wait, wait. It is. It is. What is this? What

[00:05:37] DeLoa: is this? Does this mean? Just be joking. Straight. What does this mean? Tape to tape. I can record tape to tape with this? Yep. Are you kidding? What?

[00:05:46] David: I said of course.

[00:05:47] DeLoa: Come on. Come on. Oh, that is.

[00:05:53] David: At least it says you can. I hope you can.

[00:05:55] DeLoa: Well, what does it say, Kim? I guess that’s what that means. Continuous play. That means tape to tape. Oh, continuous play, tape to tape. One tape. And then the next one will play. I guess you have to record from one to the other. Oh, can’t you? Oh, it’s just tape. He knows all about that.

It’s just tape. When we went up to your place, I said they had one tape. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like, I don’t know, it looks weird. Wait. Don’t drop it.

[00:06:26] David: Don’t drop it.

[00:06:28] DeLoa: Don’t drop it. Don’t drop it. All we need is fractions.

[00:06:43] David: Jerry? Jerry?

[00:06:52] DeLoa: You have a dirty face. Don’t be rude to my son. You have a dirty face. Have you ever washed your face? What’s he got in his hand, Gil? All Jerry’s things. He’s got your things in his hand. Uh, have you got something to give to him? Give him something instead.

It worked. What have you got, Andrew? What’s that?

You know you’ve been done, huh?

Want a bit of my drink? I’m getting really tired. No, this is tremendous. Oh, I think I’m gonna go outside the table or something. I don’t know. I don’t know. Hey! Jared, hurry! Jared! Jared! Jared! Oh, that is a neat looking little thing. Look at my tail. It’s so compact, too. Look at that. Stop!

[00:08:02] David: They couldn’t decide where to put them, so they just scattered them

[00:08:06] DeLoa: around town like that.

Hi. Gee, look at that. That’s neat. What have you got? Now this is Jerry’s stuff, okay? Where’s your toys? Come on, I’ll find your toys. Come with me. Let’s go in Mommy’s bedroom. Mommy’s bedroom. It’s just here. Let’s follow the tuner over there and look in. Okay, we’ll wait for like just a minute. There

[00:08:30] David: must be a cord some place.

[00:08:34] DeLoa: Okay, I’m fine. I’m going to find it. It must be in there. In

[00:08:38] David: the box?

I dropped it. I

[00:08:48] DeLoa: dropped it. Oh, I see. Can

[00:08:52] David: you tell me where it’s kept?

[00:08:55] DeLoa: In a tree.

No, no, it’s not over. It’s going to be like this. Yeah, I need you to start it over. Wait, so these are Huh? Where? Oh, sure. Frank! Now, we need a slide of hits? Jared! You know what? When you go away, he takes over! Okay, we’ll put this in the trash can. You’re gonna throw it. Oh, but not it. Gerard, go put this in the trash in the front row, please.

And then he can have her on his tail, too. No! Give that to Gerard, Ian. I’m sure. And then we’ll Well, where did that come from? This? This was one of the items. What about getting a jigsaw puzzle? I think that’s great for Enjoying. You can duplicate them all. Look.

She’s had her dad do something a lot of pain for her. Now all I need to know is what kind of

[00:10:30] David: cake she’s

[00:10:32] DeLoa: eating. Uh

[00:10:35] David: huh, it is, it

[00:10:38] DeLoa: does. No, you can’t, yeah, you can’t do

[00:10:41] David: it. But even if

[00:10:43] DeLoa: you can’t, it’s probably not half the time. Who’s got a knife then?

Uh, sorry? Dad! Dad! I can have it? Let’s take a little picture

[00:11:14] David: of it.

[00:11:15] DeLoa: Let me do it! Don’t you

[00:11:17] David: have the same thing? Where’d you get

[00:11:22] DeLoa: that? Oh, I was craving ice cream. Where’s

[00:11:27] David: the instruction

[00:11:28] DeLoa: book? This is the tape she got me.

[00:11:31] David: Oh, I mean, you are a music taker.

[00:11:33] DeLoa: So cute! But that’s very cute. That’s very nice. Yes it is.

You’re trying to patronize me and I like it. Your turn! I’m losing. Oh, I can’t. You just lost your tape! You know where that one was! Well, it’s in the bedroom somewhere. We have plenty of tape. What do you want, Van? Let’s see. Where’s the um, plug? Yeah, I’m gonna get you some overskates now. Right over here, Van.

Oh, great. You know what? Is there a knife or a sharp instrument anywhere? Excuse me, in here? Andrew, let’s That’s right. Um, here you go. Oh, it’s all right. I’ve got something below. Thank you. This way. Shoe shop.

That’s fine. That looks like a good

[00:12:23] David: one. Right over here. On the floor. Um, Paul Stevenson.

[00:12:34] DeLoa: I’d

[00:12:34] David: like a set playing recorder to operate. I need a set of high quality bands. Do you mind loading these on the

[00:12:41] DeLoa: head of the ride?

[00:12:43] David: I need one of those too.

[00:12:44] DeLoa: Oh, you’re not doing P. U. now, are you? What,

[00:12:50] David: Gil? How does this

[00:12:52] DeLoa: go down, Gil?

[00:12:53] David: It’s

[00:13:00] DeLoa: gonna flip down, Pa?

[00:13:01] David: Tonight.

[00:13:21] DeLoa: I’ll read this back and find out. Beeping sound. Stains good reproduction. Can’t wash your dishes. Head should be

[00:13:33] David: cleaned after 10 20 hours of use.

[00:13:37] DeLoa: Dad!

[00:13:41] David: If there is slack in the tape, remove it before inserting the targage. All right!

And lots of other tips.

[00:13:53] DeLoa: Some tips, some tips. It’s

yours. It’s Andrew’s. Put that over there for Jarosz. Put that piece over there for Jarosz. Now let’s put your portal pieces in. Take them all out. Oh, well, you know, when I curled it for a couple of weeks, it was It’s, it’s, it’s just me. Now do you know where to go? Where can you push him? You know, you push him back.

So when I’m up in here, what do I do? Go ahead and add a little force. And then, and I have a little spring. Very good! No matter what I try to do, I can’t. Good! You did that once, now. She, she’s doing that wrong, don’t! Stop pushing it up. Anyway, um, I got a little bit of uh, Why do you want one of those that doesn’t have anything on it?

Do you want to start recording? It records.

[00:15:20] David: I

[00:15:21] DeLoa: think I can go another little while. Uh, you can do it if you want to. Long term, and then, Take it just a little bit, and then leave it drawn. And you can at least lock it up. Can I put the crotch in it? Sure. That’s, that’s different though. Yeah, well, the things that are the fashions.

Um, you know, it really isn’t. Because I have to I have to get up and wash them every day if they haven’t been fashioned. Those days I can always go, you know, and I used to just wash them.