Reed 08 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Memories of Song and Togetherness

  • Grandkids
  • Elizabeth
  • David
  • Auntie Jodi
  • Dr. Wanzel
  • Mr. Dicey
  • Marcy
  • Marcia
  • Ian
  • Joel
  • Jodi
  • April
  • Marcy
  • Margie
  • Ian
  • Joel

[00:00:00] Grandkids: We are getting close at this job. Popcorn popping on the tree. I could smell it all over the country.

[00:00:27] Elizabeth: A popcorn lollip would smell so sweet. It wasn’t really chose, but it seemed to me. Popcorn popping on the tree. Do you know what we’re doing now? One

[00:00:44] Grandkids: more time. Do it good now. May I get a picture with you today?

Look at Auntie Jodi and do it. Who’s going to sing the best tonight? I am. I am. I look down, and what do I see? A popcorn popping out of April’s ice cream. We have such a nice surprise. Popcorn popping out of April’s ice cream. I could make a miracle, make a treat. A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Popcorn popping on an apricot tree. Okay, how about Jesus wants the first time to meet you? Marcy, come back on this table. I’m taking your picture, Marcy. Marcy, I’m taking your picture. Come on. She’s getting tired. Yeah, she’s really tired. She’s a good liar. Come on, Margie.

Can you sing something in front of that song? Sit next

[00:01:56] Elizabeth: to Ian. He likes having you sit next to him,

[00:01:58] Grandkids: huh? Uh huh. Cause I can.

[00:02:00] Elizabeth: He’s your friend, huh?

[00:02:01] Grandkids: Cause I can go like this. She’s a good sleeper. Okay, Joel,

[00:02:06] Elizabeth: turn around so I can see.

Popcorn popping on an apricot tree. I could smell it from over here. A

[00:00:00] Grandkids: We are getting.

[00:00:27] Elizabeth: popcorn lollip would smell so sweet. It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to me. Popcorn popping on an apricot tree.

[00:00:40] Grandkids: You know what we’re doing now? One more time. Do it good now. You know? May I get a picture with you today? Look at Auntie Jodi and do it.

Who’s gonna sing the best tonight? I am. I am. I love that. Dr. Wanzel and Mr. Dicey. Popcorn poppies and a little apricot ice cream. We have a pretty surprise. Popcorn poppies and a little apricot ice cream. How could they be so wonderful and so tricky? A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Popcorn popping on an apricot tree. Okay, how

[00:01:33] David: about Jesus once more for

[00:01:35] Grandkids: Sunday night? Marcy, come

[00:01:38] David: back on this table. I’m taking your picture, Marcy. Marcy, I’m taking your picture. Come on. Good start.

[00:01:45] Grandkids: Yeah, it’s

[00:01:46] David: a good start.

[00:01:49] Grandkids: She’s getting tired. Hey, come on Marcia. Can you sing something in the middle of that song?

Sit next

[00:01:56] Elizabeth: to Ian, he likes having you sit next to him,

[00:01:58] Grandkids: huh? Uh huh. Cause I can.

[00:02:00] Elizabeth: He’s your friend, huh?

[00:02:01] Grandkids: Cause I can go like this. She’s a good sleeper. Okay. Joel, turn around so I can see you, everybody. Marcia, are you going to sing with

[00:02:11] David: Ian? Okay, here we go, all together. Now.

[00:02:14] Grandkids: He got down! Bop

[00:02:19] David: bop

[00:02:20] Grandkids: bop.

[00:02:22] David: Bop

[00:02:23] Grandkids: bop boooooooop!

[00:02:31] David: Say something. Cider corn. I know what

[00:02:34] Grandkids: you wrote, so what was it?

[00:02:36] David: Man, his butt agrees. Oh, uh, Ford her. That’s

[00:02:39] Grandkids: the one I mean. That’s the one I meant. The one I meant. Let’s

[00:02:49] David: wave. Now we should walk

[00:02:52] Grandkids: twice.

[00:02:53] David: You’re in the shadows. I can’t see

[00:02:56] Grandkids: you. Now, turn. I’m walking towards him, sorry. Hurry

[00:03:02] David: up Jodi,

[00:03:04] Grandkids: turn and slap each

[00:03:04] David: other.


[00:03:05] Grandkids: good. We can laugh at each

[00:03:07] David: other. That’s good. Now do Benny Hill.

[00:03:12] Grandkids: Benny Hill? What did he do for Benny Hill? Actually, we should plan on something.

[00:03:20] David: Chase each other around the tables, Benny Hill.

[00:03:23] Elizabeth: Oh no, we don’t want to do Benny Hill. We know what happens in that. Yeah, do Benny Hill.

[00:03:29] Grandkids: Okay.

[00:03:29] Elizabeth: Yeah.

Reed 16 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Casual Gathering of Tastes and Tales

  • Eric
  • Brian
  • Cameron
  • DeLoa
  • Dareon
  • Kim Kirsten
  • Sam
  • Grandpa
  • Grandma

[00:00:00] Eric, Brian, Cameron, Deloa: I’d like to go eat this one. I think I’ll taste it. Then you taste it. Do you want me to taste it? I’ll taste it. I’ll taste it. Can you taste it? What kind of milk do you want? Oh, this? Do you want an apple? I can taste it. Can you? It’s too much. No, I can taste good. Delicious. It’s taste. He says it’s delicious.

I can’t even taste it. Can I have a little, how Dareon Put it more in if he says that. No, it’s not a little bit too much. A little bit too less. Mm-Hmm. a little bit more This touch that, that much. Yeah. And then it would taste cool. Yeah. What you need to do is. Did you ever sleep on that bed? No. Okay. Because when I left, I put clean, fresh sheets on it.

You were sleeping on it the night before, huh? I got off because, um, I thought it was cool. It was, uh, not cool. Here, run now. Here. Hello? Hi there! My name’s Kim Kirsten. Brian, look. You are coming. Look, I’ll go get Brian to do it this way. Take it. It’s too hard. Good. Does it need more? What are you doing that for?

No, it’s good. Take it. He’s filming us! He’s filming us! Can’t you see it? He’s filming us. What? Look at our little Easter bunnies! And I did good on my first one. Here’s a little quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. And here’s a little chicky. Excuse me, sir. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Oh, God.

And here’s our daddy, hello. Santa! Hey! I’ll tell ya! Hey, where you from? Oh, he really is? Yeah. Now, me’s just a kid. Okay. Good. That’s good, Grandpa. Laughing Laughing Are you saying that’s good, Grandpa? Because he’s getting you? No. I was back there before. I thought he was through. Here. You want to do that? Pick that up?

Now we’re going to hurry real fast. What are we going to do? I’ll squirt the chocolate in and you guys put it around, okay? I’ll squirt it in. Okay. Okay. What are you going to do? I’m going to make this one solid, Grandma. Okay. I’m going to make this one solid. Here, you do it, Eric. Well, you won’t have it. Oh, yeah.

Do you have a new towel? Okay. What are you doing, Sam? I already got my new towel. How do you get it down to the bottom? Oh, you look Uh huh. Pass it a little bit. Okay.

Okay. Okay, I’ll move. I’ll move these. I’ll move these. I’ll move these. Oh, until you get, look, move fast. I’m going to have to hurry. And then it doesn’t set up, see? Move fast. And just be a little careful around the edges, but don’t take so long. That’s what happened before. We were taking too long. Yeah.

That’s me. Well, you know what? Turn that so that doesn’t come out. Okay? Uh, all done. Now, are you sure that that’s what you want, Cameron? We’re gonna divide these when we get all through. So, let’s do some more bunnies. You already have six? No, no. You already have six ducks. Get these squares around. Here. Uh, Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well.

Why is he doing that? Grandpa? We’re, we’re live TV.

Reed 20 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Moments of Play and Connection

  • Ian
  • Grandpa

[00:00:00] Bike Noises: Sparrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrrrrrrr Roll! Car. AI I can’t. He can’t go by himself, Lidgett! If he left, then you left! Then they had to roll this!


Ian! Turn around and come this way. Grandpa? That’s right. He likes to follow me. Like this. When I go back there, and all the way back, and I, I want to go, I go a little backwards, he, I call in and he comes.

I was missing and Come on, man. Dad, all the way back there, he just comes right to here. Is that right? He doesn’t go over there. Dad, uh, go there. Ian?

Heh. Okay, go get it.

Okay, come on. Go get that thing there. Alright. Come here. Ian, where’s your bike? Ian, look. Ian. Oh, bye. Look in here. Say hi. Hi. You my friend? Huh? Are you my friend? Yeah. Well, you’re my friend. Dear, you alright? I’m Alright? Yes, I am. Check for me. Push it


Reed 31 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Fun and Games at the Park

  • DeLoa
  • Todd
  • Mel
  • Scott
  • Melvin
  • Grandma
  • Janet
  • Kenny
  • Ben
  • Jody
  • Benny
  • Aunt Jodi
  • Aries
  • Brian
  • Cameron
  • Eric
  • Aunt Linda
  • Uncle Cade
  • Grandpa

[00:00:00] DeLoa: We’ll go together. Yeah. All three of us

[00:00:06] Todd: will go together.

[00:00:07] DeLoa: Should we go now?

[00:00:09] Todd: Yeah, all three of us. I’ve done it a lot of times. Come here, Mel.

[00:00:13] DeLoa: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Okay,

[00:00:24] Todd: sit on your knees. Okay, right here.

Wait, Scott, wait, come here. Melvin, come here. Bounce three times and go on your butt and I’ll bounce you. Watch out. Do it again. One, two, three. Scott, not too hard, okay? Todd does it. Okay, one, two, three. There

[00:01:01] DeLoa: you go.

[00:01:04] Todd: I was catching. Last time I

[00:01:05] DeLoa: did that I was so high and I Got the wind knocked out of me. The back, that’s why I can’t jump that high.

[00:01:21] Todd: That’s your melody there.

[00:01:28] DeLoa: Alright!

Great. One more flip. Good. Wow! Did you get that, Grandma? You bet. Good. That was good.

[00:01:48] Todd: That was

[00:01:49] DeLoa: good. You’re getting brave, aren’t you?

What you doing? Okay. Now, who’s next? I am! Okay. Okay. Okay. Go ahead. Ha! Todd, do this! Show your muscles!

[00:02:30] Todd: It’s embarrassing when you’re at that long.

I’m three.

[00:02:43] DeLoa: Show your microphone! Where’s the camera?

[00:03:03] Todd: Your front foot’s cut.

[00:03:05] DeLoa: I’ll probably go over.

[00:03:10] Todd: One and a half on your knees.

[00:03:13] DeLoa: I can’t. On your knees.

[00:03:26] Todd: Do the flip on your knees, not on your feet or your stomach. I said I

[00:03:30] DeLoa: was going to do it. Okay, well, I don’t think you can shake that. This is what you do in the park. Good. Wow, flip! This is great. Very good.

Yeah. Okay, now we need to go see the camera. Good smile. Okay, get in there. Okay. Oh, yeah. Face the camera. Okay. Uh huh. Wow. Pretty clever. Honk, honk. Good. That’s what it’s supposed to be, huh? What? That’s neat. Get on your knees and then go.

That’s it, huh?

I’m gonna look back. Should we come back there, Todd? Would it be better?

[00:05:18] Todd: No. I just gotta find that ball. Come on!

[00:05:22] DeLoa: Get up there, because when you get used by a certain new girl, she’s gonna be a total doll on you. I’ll have to ask you. Where’s that phone? Go get it. Go get it, go

[00:05:39] Todd: get it. Run now, she’ll chase ya.


[00:05:43] DeLoa: on, Janet. Come on, Janet. Janet, Janet, come on. Come on, Janet. She starts

[00:05:50] Todd: to itch. Janet.

[00:05:52] DeLoa: C’mon! C’mon, Kenny! C’mon, Kenny! Kenny! Kenny! Kenny, c’mere!

C’mon, Kenny!

[00:06:29] Todd: Are you going to show us to Ben and them? And Jody.

[00:06:38] DeLoa: She’s not used to saying hi to all of you. Hi, Benny. Hi, Aunt Jodi. Hi, Benny poo. Wish you could be here. Okay. You want to get her downstairs? Yeah. Hello, everybody.

[00:06:55] Todd: Come down and visit us sometime.

[00:07:00] DeLoa: Me too.

[00:07:02] Todd: Sometime soon.

[00:07:05] DeLoa: Yeah, come visit us. Real soon. Bring the machine gun down to him. No, don’t. Yes, dear. I’m Todd.

This is Scott. Aries and Brian. Cameron, you’re going to see this, too. Hi! Hi, Eric! Hi, Cameron! Hi, Brian! Hi, Aunt Linda! Hi, Uncle Cade! Hello! Hi, Grandpa! Hi, everybody! Hello! Hello, everybody! Hello! Hello, everybody!

Reed 34 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Fun Moments on the Water

  • Gil
  • Elizabeth
  • David
  • Jared
  • Andrew

[00:00:00] Ocean Waves: Hi!

Wave to Grandpa. He’ll tell you when to wave. Hey. Smile, David.

[00:03:25] Gil: You’re on the camera.

[00:03:27] Elizabeth: That’s the way. We’re

[00:03:29] Ocean Waves: not moving. Just a wave. And, and, smile at Grandpa. The camera’s off. Oh! Better get out of the

mat, Jared. Bye. Trying to get Andrew up. And then Yeah,

[00:03:52] Elizabeth: but it’s not full of money. Put that money on the ground, please.

[00:04:04] Gil: Well, I’ll always get in the boat and take off. I’ll get all of you taken off. Come on, come get in the boat now. Everybody wave at me. Hi! Hi! Hi! Say hi! Say bye bye! Say bye bye! Bye! Bye!
