Reed Family Videos

Gil and Deloa’s Family Videos

  • Reed 23 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: A Snapshot of Daily Life

    [00:00:00] Unknown: Yeah. We know it’s a carrot. [00:00:21] Gil: Elizabeth? [00:00:24] Unknown: Which? [00:00:24] Gil: Yeah? Come here just a moment. I just want to check the color on this. [00:00:31] Unknown: Pardon me? Even better. You come here and start feeding the baby. He wants to check the color on it. Oh, please.…

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  • Reed 24 Craftsmanship, Family Bonding, Doll Making, Creative Hobbies, Handmade Dolls

    [00:00:00] Randy and John: Couldn’t trade those blue eyes. Jodi, I wouldn’t change those blue eyes [00:00:06] Jody: for anything. Barb, what is it? I won’t let you. She’s looking in the box, oh, oh, oh. I love the blue eyes. [00:00:19] Randy and John: Okay, and then go ahead, Chuck. [00:00:21] Jody: It is…

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  • Reed 25 Gil and DeLoa Reed’s Family: Acts of Bravery and Community Help During FiresReed 25

    [00:00:00] Randy: The security was blanketed from the [00:00:04] Jody: tech. You know, [00:00:06] Randy: you know that that’s the, just around that corner is where I went to that burning. Didn’t you go into that burning house with me? That was you and I. That place was burning. We went up to check and…

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